Holistic practices for your well-being


My vision for you is to help you find healthier and happier alternatives to your lifestyle so we can grow and expand together.

"The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"
- Yung Pueblo

Hi, I'm Em!

I am an energy healer, natural wellness teacher, & artist based in Montreal

My wellness journey began in 2017. Learn more about my story of how I got to where I am today, right here

Founder of [EM]ergy | Energy Healing with EM, licensed Reiki Master Teacher, accredited EFT Tapping Practitioner, Certified Plant Medicine Woman, Certified Aromatouch Technique Therapist, Intuitive Healer & Natural Wellness Mentor. 

"And above all, in all we do,
Let us not forget our responsibility to help others."
- Dr. David K. Hill

Energy Healing with EM

I use healing modalities such as Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping, and the Aromatouch Technique.

Plant Medicine

My favourite tool for emotional wellbeing and living a natural lifestyle. Essential oils are a big part of it and it’s my passion to share them with others. 


EM.BOD.Y | EM.power your BOD.Y with EM

Movement is life. Being of service and helping others empower themselves on their wellness and holistic journey, isn’t only about the mind, the heart or the soul, but also about the body.  

em·bod·y : be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to an idea, quality, or feeling.

Work with Me

The Trifecta of Wellness Explained.

To be of service to others and lead them into empowering themselves, their energy, body and health, with alternative holistic practices such like energy healing, movement and plant medicine.

Some words to inspire you

Check out my latest blog posts to learn about my healing journey and for resources on energy healing + essential oils.

EM. The Rebirth.

Hi!  I’m Em! Have we met?  I sure hope we did! But if we didn’t yet,  Let me introduce myself! Once upon a time,  I

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My favourite essential oils

From lemon, lavender, Forgive, Serenity, copaiba to OnGuard, Motivate, siberian fir, and Easy Air, I never play favourites with my oils …. BUT to be

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Reiki on the laundry room floor

I’m in my laundry room, in my basement. There is calm. There is also a glimmer of mysterious and intriguing excitement. The anxious anticipation of what’s to come next.

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The [EM]ergy Series

From meditations to affirmations, to movement and oil classes, to tapping practices and daily rituals, there is definitely a little something for you in our series! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and get access to our latest inspirational, educational and motivational videos.