Essential oils have completely changed my life! As soon as I was introduced to the blend BALANCE, I knew I was hooked forever. I let them enter every single one of my routines, morning, day and night. And I’m beyond grateful to have these little natural and organic miracle workers helping me out throughout my day. I use them aromatically, topically and internally, and I learn more and more about them everytime! I wouldn’t be able to picture my life without my essential oils doing their magical work on a daily basis, supporting me on every level, phisycally, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
Morning Routine
Vision Board
My vision board, where I stick every image that inspires me and help me visualize my dream life, is hung right in front of my bed. It is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning and when I go to bed at night. When I wake up, I take an oil, usually Siberian Fir, and smell it for a few mintues while meditating and reflecting on my visions for my future. This is how I start my day, focusing on what I’m aspiring and working towards.

Morning Water
Depending on how I feel, I usually add oils to my morning (hot or cold) water. If I feel tired or lacking energy, I will add some citrus oils, like wild orange, lemon or tangerine. If I feel sad or blue, I’ll add something like lavender or spreamint. And if I feel sinck-ish, I’ll definitely add either ginger or OnGuard. When I feel like centering myself more and connect to my higher self and Source, I’ll add Frankincense.
In my Diffuser
Every day, as soon as I get out of bed, I get my water, prepare the coffee and go around the house turning on a few of my diffusers. I usually like to diffuse a citrus blend like Citrus Bloom or Citrus Bliss, or I love to diffuse the Balance blend. This is THE blend that made me fall in love with doTERRA in the first place.

My Supplements
Every morning, along side my breakfast, I take my three Life Long Vitality supplements; Alpha CRS, xEO Mega, and Microplex VMz. This has helped my mood, my energy, my health and my vitality drastically.
Throughout my Day
Right before starting any training or workout, I apply my Motivate roller on strategic spots for the biggest energy boost possible. This makes all the difference in the world!

doTERRA offers every single natural and organic product that you might need in your shower, from shampoo to conditioner, to soaps, face scrubs and body wash. Right after my shower, I like to dry brush with Cypress or Naouili. It is a great little trick to add to your self-care ritual, helps with blood circulation and skin health, and clears toxins. I start by adding a few drops of Eucalyptus in my shower.
On my Skin
As part of my daily self-care routine, as soon as I come out of the shower, I apply homemade face and body cream in which I add my favorite oils. I also apply Immortelle, which is THE oil for your face. If pimples and blackheads are making an appearance, I’ll add tea tree and Frankincense. After the cream, comes the Jade roller and the Rose Quartz Gua-Sha!

To be honest, my hair is a bit tricky. I’m always having such a hard time with how dry they can get. To get my hair healthier has been my life long mission. Using the appropriate oils, such as Patchouli, Peppermint, Lavender, Tea Tree, Rosemary, or Copaiba has been a tremendous help on my path to healthier hair.
My own Perfume
Sometimes I make my own perfume, mixing a few of my favorite oils, but when my homemade perfume bottle is empty, I apply Neroli Touch, InTune Touch or Beautiful Touch. In the summer time, I use the Beautiful Body Spray as a perfume and as a body lotion.

Evening Routine

I love to try new vegan recipes and mixing my cooking with my oils is super easy! I love to add Oregano, Lemon, Lime, Thyme or Rosemary to my meals. A drop of Lime to your favorite guacamole really opens up a whole new world for your tastebuds!
When getting ready for meditation, I love to diffuse oils. Right before I start my meditation, I love to apply oils on some of my meridian points, such as the sole of my feet, my chest, inside my elbows, the back of my neck, my wrists, and the back of my ears. I Usually love to work with Frankincense or a grouding oil, like Cedarwood, Vetiver or Patchouli.

Massages & Sexy Time!
Oils help me set the mood for me and my man. Not only do we use oils for massages when we are sore AF from daily worjout routine, but we also incorportate oils in our date nights and times of quality together!
There’s a few oils that you can use to help you with your sleep issues or insomnia, but my favorite in Serenity. This blend was created espeically for sleep and works wonders. It definitely offers me the best night sleep every time!