When you start your journey with Reiki, the first thing they teach you are the Principles.
The philosophy of Reiki is rooted in five principles that provide guidance for living, healing and balancing your Reiki energy. Lately, these 5 principles have been on my heart and mind more than usual.
“Just for today, I will not be angry.”
But I am angry. I am angry at the world. I am angry at myself. I am angry at these people. I am angry that I let myself believe what they said. I am angry at them for turning the world upside down. I am angry at them for creating this nightmare that won’t end. I am angry at us for letting this happen. I am angry that it keeps on going. I am angry to feel so hopeless and helpless all the time.
I am angry. I feel my anger in my solar plexus chakra. So I tap it away. And try to let it go. “And just for today, I will try not to be angry.”
“Just for today, I will not worry.”
But I am worried. I am worried about the future. I am worried about the generations to come who have been traumatized by these war tactics. I am worried that loneliness and mental illnesses will kill more than the bug did. I am worried about the division, the hate, the shame, the blame, the guilt that they keep spreading in our country. I am worried about our rights and freedom being revoked for their bigger plans. I am worried. I feel my worries in my heart chakra. So I tap it away. And try to let it go. “And just for today, I will try not to worry.”
“Just for today, I will be grateful.”
I am grateful. But I’m also so bitter.
I am grateful for so much but I am also so bitter about dreams and goals that can not see the light of day anymore. I feel my blessings in my whole body. So I hug it hard. And try to let go of the bitterness. “And just for today, I will continue to be grateful”
“Just for today, I will do my work honestly.”
But I am exhausted and want to use shortcuts too. I want to use and abuse of shortcuts, like these people who start their businesses supporting a spiritual and humanitarian front, yet reeking of fakeness and shallowness and fucking people over just for money, attention, reputation and adoration. I am exhausted. I feel my exhaustion in my heart and root chakras. So I tap it away. And try to let it go.
” And just for today, I will continue to do my work honestly”
“Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing”
But I want to be mean too. Tell them mean things like they say to me. Do mean things to them like they did to me. I want to be mean to those who have hurt me. Be as mean as them and hurt them as they have hurt me. I want to be mean too. I feel it in my back. So I tap it away. And try to let it go.
“And just for today, I will try to be kind to every living thing.”
And just like that, today will come and go.
And I will have remembered that I deserve to live free of anger. I deserve to live at peace. I deserve to have abundance and feel grateful for my blessings. I deserve to be honest, genuine and live with integrity. I deserve to be compassionate, caring and loving. I deserve it, for myself and for others.
And tomorrow I’ll do it all over again. I can try not to be angry, I can try not to worry, I can be grateful, I can do my work honestly, I can be kind to every living things.
And I’ll repeat this every day.
Just one day at a time.
But for right now, it is just for today.