Hosting events? Me? ... oh, I might love this after all!
Working with Jaime Moar at The Well in Knowlton was on my to do list for months. Now I can check it out of my list! Goal achieved! Dream came true! Check marked!
And what an incredible experience that was!
I never really liked leading events maybe because I always thought that I wasn’t made to lead events. But I was always curious about it tho. I never really liked leading events. Maybe because I spent a lot of time judging. Maybe because I always thought that I wasn’t made to lead events. Maybe because I was always scared. Maybe because I always had insecurities. Or maybe, just maybe, because it was what I was always meant to do exactly that…
My acting coach, Jock MacDonald, used to always say this : ‘If you don’t feel like doing something, it’s because you really need to do it.’
What an incredible event this was!
I arrived in Knowlton around 2pm. Of course, that was planned. Anything to spend as much time as possible in this little country town.
First thing I did – and like I always do – stopped by ‘our’ spot. That little space by the road, leading to this tiny little beach. Full of rocks. Barely no sand. But so magical and precious. Everything we arrived in Knowlton, we have to stop there. Our way to say ‘Hi!’ to this beautiful land. Our way to say ‘Thank you for welcoming us again.’ My way to say and feel ‘Home. At last.’
Knowlton is home. I can feel it the second I take Exit 90 ‘Lac Brome’. The second I turn on the 243 South. The sun always feels like it hits differently there. The wind always feel like it blows differently there.
Knowlton is very special to me. Very close to my heart. Not sure why just yet, but maybe one day I’ll figure it out. And yes, it is in the plan to eventually move there. Have my practice there. Maybe a coffee shop, a book store, a crystal shop, an aromatherapy shop and maybe even my animal rescue center too.
I trust that I will be guided home when the time is right.
But for the moment, any excuse or any reason to go back to Knowlton will do. So I arrived in Knowlton Friday at 2pm. Traffic was really manageable. I took it as a sign. A sign that I was exactly where I needed to be, doing exactly what I needed to do.
After stopping by our little beach, I went straight to the Bolt Café to get a decaf. (Yeah – I’m giving decaf a go… who knows?) I sat outside on the terrasse. Pulled out my journal and music. I was listening to Daisy Jones & the Six and some Florence Against the Machine.
I haven’t been feeling so great lately. To be honest, I’m not sure since when I have been feeling this way. Sometimes it feels like years. But since the beginning of that week, I felt very very very depressed. Felt like a new rock bottom. I did try my best to feel better during that week, but nothing was cutting it. Not going out with friends, not going shopping, not meditating, not taking baths, nothing.
Until I took the Exit 90. And then it started to change. I started to feel alive again. Mind you, we had gorgeous weather that week-end. That always help.
So I got my little coffee and journaled everything that was swirling around in my head lately. Once, that was out of my system, it was time to go meet Jaime.
If you don’t know Jaime, you’re definitely missing something! She is a pure authentic lovely caring gem. I’m eternally grateful that our paths have crossed a few years back.
First thing we did, go on a walk in nature with Marley. A little 2k in the woods always puts a girl back in her element. We chatted about everything and anything, catching up on life. Then Jaime made us this great salad, and before we knew it, it was time to head to the studio.

The Well – What a beautiful space this is! As soon as I walked in, it felt like home. When I grow up, and own my little studio, it would be a place just like this one.
We started by setting up the space. Candles, music, mats, blankets, pillows, forms with pads and pencils, and I also had the opportunity to set up a little space with my crystal creations. I had worked hard the days before to get everything ready; all my rollers, bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings were Reiki charged and tagged. Then our first participants started to arrive. I felt nervous and shy, but I also felt at peace, like I belonged here, like I was exactly where I needed to be. We welcomed everyone and we slowly began our evening.
As Jaime was guiding the meditation, I was going around each and every single participant we had and giving them Reiki. This was the first time for to offer Reiki to so many people at once, spending a few minutes with each of them, placing my hands on their body, praying for them, connecting with them. I could have offered a group session, meaning I would have stayed in my corner of the room and giving them Reiki at a distance, but we had 12 participants and an hour and a half, so we thought more fitting to give them individualized support instead. I received images and messages throughout our session. Each participant was unique and special, and I treated them as such. Cleansing myself after each and every one of them, taking the time to connect with each and every one of them. Time felt like it stood still for awhile, but in fact it just flew by. I felt extreme gratitude to be able to co-host and take part in such an event. It was simply just exhilarating for me. A moment of peace and tranquility mixed with a moment of excitement and connection. I felt exhausted at the end, yet energized.
And it’s then and there, that I realized I wanted to do this way more often. After this memorable event (and this epic weekend), I spent the following days, thriving on this hype energy, overflowing with inspiration and creativity, adding new pages, blogs, services, articles to my website and already planning my next events!
The magic that this moment in Knowlton gifted me that day was more than I could have ever imagined or hoped for. It gave me hope again. It gave me purpose again. It gave me energy again. It gave my life again.